New Year's resolutions | Young and Foolish Podcast - 35
Commonalities between all cultures (How we are the same) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 34
Fitness industry (Influencers, dishonesty, positive impact) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 33
Urban planning (walkability and other important factors) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 32
Our favourite foods (We get hungry) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 31
Education system (Important subjects, effective formats) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 30
Creativity (Originality, Creative process, Self-criticism) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 29
Spontaneity (Pros, Cons, Preparations, and Our Experiences) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 28
Knowledge (Foolishness and Perspective, Fundamentals, Power) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 27
Our scariest experiences and our biggest fears | Young and Foolish Podcast - 26
Finding beauty in life | Young and Foolish Podcast - 25
Fitness (types of workouts, funny stories, injury prevention) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 24
Investigating diets (intermittent fasting, carnivore, whole foods) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 23
Language learning (Differences in cognition and perception) | Young and Foolish Podcast - 22
Our diets and the importance of mindful eating | Young and Foolish Podcast - 21
Our university experiences | Young and Foolish Podcast - 20
Make sure you sleep! It is really important | Young and Foolish Podcast - 19
So bad, it's good | Young and Foolish Podcast - 18
Seeing people (including yourself) as individuals | Young and Foolish Podcast - 17
Universal basic income | Young and Foolish Podcast - 16